Jakal Photography

March 5, 2010

Wee Woo

Filed under: Pets — jakalphotography @ 5:57 PM

Today I took the day off, just to hang out with my mom and my sister.  I put my daughter on the bus this morning and was headed in to drop my son off at daycare, when I noticed my mom following me.  They stopped when I parked the car and after dropping off my little man, off the three of us went to Stratford…for a little shopping and some lunch.  On the way home, we got to chatting about a blog post I’d recently seen by Robert Nowell Photography, of the cutest little dachshund named Tootsie.  It was sooooo cute and I must give a shout out to Robert too…as he’s a FABULOUS photographer.  And it was in that conversation that we decided, that Carla would go pick up Lacey and bring her over for a photo shoot. 🙂

My parents and sister have had Lace for a couple years now (who they’ve also nicknamed “Wee Woo”…hence the title) and I don’t know why we’d never thought before to do a little shoot with her.  She’s the cutest little thing and probably a best friend to my four-year-old son…lol.  So, here are a few shots of the cutie patootie….although I haven’t had a chance to go through all of the images yet.  Just thought I’d share and if you’re interested in having photos of your favourite pet done…well, give me a shout!

For today and tomorrow…smile,


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